Friday, November 20, 2009

Sing, Sing a song.

Singing has always been part of my life. When I was young, I can remember singing with my mom simple childhood songs which can still warm my heart. As I got older, we learned to sing in perfect harmony. I would sing melody and she would harmonize in her beautiful voice. Sometimes we would make up songs to sing together, like this little ditty;
"You are my friend, for every season there's a reason you're my friend
I can depend on you. You are my friend, I know our love will last forever, til the end!
No on else has found a friendship like I have with you, that's why I know our love will never end."

We wrote that on our way to Calgary, sitting in the car. I was a teenager, and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I'm very lucky to have Flo as my Mom, she's the best!

I used to be in a band. It was very fun! We made up a few songs, did many covers and had good times. They wanted to do more heavy, male vocal type rock and I didn't so we parted ways. But I have missed having people to share music with, since I don't play an instrument, its very hard to do on my own.

So I sing, alone in the car, while I'm cleaning the house or out walking the dogs. I sing. I can remember about a year where I didn't sing at all, just too caught up in life to have that simple joy. I took my ability for granted, overlooked it, neglected it.

Now when I sing, in the past few months, I feel a little bit sad. The growths on my thyroid are pushing up against my vocal nerve. Talking has always been huge part of my life but now I will lose my voice quickly or it gets patchy and just doesn't produce certain sounds. As for singing, if I tell my voice to hit one note, sometimes it just won't. Its like my chords are union workers and don't feel like hitting that B. I find it depressing.

I hope that when all this is done, I can sing and never, ever will I take that genetic talent for granted again.