Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Red in the Face

Yesterday I poured my heart out, my deepest fears and emotions. I thought that I could just let it all out on here, (Blogger.com) and that random people would read what was going on so I didn't have to burden my friends.

Well I logged into Facebook this morning to find that my big long Blog had been posted on my Facebook page! I was mortified!! I fell so exposed that all of my friends and neighbors, people I face day to day, were privy to these deep toughts and fears.

So I'm feeling rather sheepish today. I can't decide whether I should disconnect my Blog from Facebook so I can ramble and rant more anonymously. However, after sharing what I've been going through, it also brought me words of support and encouragement from my friends. So for now I'm going to leave the notes on my Facebook page. Thanks Friends!


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