Friday, October 23, 2009


I've been writing today, working on my book. Its semi autobiographical, but mostly I hope its just a great romance novel. Its so hard to be a judge of my own work but I have to wonder what it will be like when its finished. Will it ever be finished? Will there be too much imagery? Not enough? If I spend all this time on my book and it isn't worth reading, will I keep writing?

I assume that every writer has these concerns, and that without critiquing oursevlves, there isn't room to improve but its so easy to wonder.

The other obstacle is that I need to travel to Mexico, to my grandmothers house to make sure I have my facts right, that I capture the spirit of her hacienda and her home from my perspective. I have lots of work to do! This is almost as much fun as reading a good novel, only it lasts so much longer! And I get to decide when it ends! I hope that one day I can share it with the world!

Better get back to it! Cheers friends!


At 9:50 PM , Blogger Lizzie said...

I would love to write....I am sure you will make your dream come true one day soon!


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